Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 shorthand vanity URL - 1 without a /user/ or /c/ - is useful to role to promote your channel. In the past, that curt URL was virtually oftentimes based on the /user/ URL for the channel. Now that's changed. Shorthand URLs are now based on the novel /c/ custom URL, non the former /user/ URL.
If your channel's former too novel custom URLs are different, yous should banking firm check to last certain the former shorthand URL even thus leads to your channel.
Not certain if your channel has new-style custom URL set? Check your channel's Advanced Account Settings (
Why does my former shorthand vanity URL straight off straight to the incorrect YouTube channel?
As amongst every change, at that topographic point may last complications:
If your /c/ custom URL matches your channel's former /user/ custom URL, thus the same shorthand URL volition popular off along to operate equally usual. No problem.
Also, if your channel never had a /user/ custom URL, thus this is a nifty novel characteristic that allows your channel to demand maintain a shorthand URL for the outset time.
But what happens if your channel's /c/ custom URL is dissimilar than the former /user/ custom URL? The former shorthand URL may straight off straight to person else's channel if that channel has claimed the equivalent /c/ custom URL!
If your channel has a /user/ custom URL, simply no novel /c/ URL, currently your former shorthand URL even thus works, equally long equally no other channel has claimed the equivalent /c/ URL for their channel.
Confused? Here is an example:
I demand maintain 2 channels amongst former manner /user/ custom URLs.
- old-style custom URL:
new-style custom URL: - old-style custom URL:
new-style custom URL: none
The agency the shorthand URLs used to work:
- redirected to
- redirected to
The agency the shorthand URLs operate now:
- redirects to
because it has the new-style custom URL - currently ALSO redirects to
(no channel currently has the URL
There is no longer whatsoever shorthand URL for, because a dissimilar channel has the custom URL
The solely agency to larn a shorthand URL for add a new-style /c/ custom URL, simply that would non jibe the former /user/ custom URL (because it's already taken).
If your YouTube channel's former /user/ too novel /c/ custom URLs are different, brand certain that whatsoever links too promotional materials are updated amongst the right novel URL. You wouldn't desire to post potential viewers to the incorrect channel!
If your YouTube channel's former /user/ too novel /c/ custom URLs are different, brand certain that whatsoever links too promotional materials are updated amongst the right novel URL. You wouldn't desire to post potential viewers to the incorrect channel!
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