Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Google Friend Connect Accessory To Hold Upwards Provided Past Times Blogger

This week, Google announced the destination to its website based community edifice accessory, Google Friend Connect, for non Blogger based websites.
We're retiring the service for all non-Blogger sites on March 1, 2012.
The statement notes its replacement amongst Google+.
We encourage affected sites to attain a Google+ page too house a Google+ badge on their site too hence they tin convey their community of followers to Google+ too utilization novel features similar Circles too Hangouts to maintain inward touch.
Blogger spider web log owners tin larn out on to utilization the Followers gadget, tin utilization Google+, or tin construct their communities using both features.

Blogger spider web log owners were of late offered several suggestions, to integrate Google+ into their blogs.
  • The Google+ badge, placed on the blog, directs your readers to your Google+ profile.
  • You tin supervene upon your Blogger profile amongst your Google+ profile.
  • Replacement of your Blogger profile amongst your Google+ profile enables you lot to publish your spider web log updates to your Google+ followers.

With Google retiring Friend Connect, this allows Blogger to attain got over its functionality. Blogger spider web log owners, who similar the thought of letting their Followers display their icons on the faces of our blogs, too thought our spider web log updates inward the Blogger Reading List / Google Reader displays, tin larn out on to utilization the Followers accessory.

By removing Google Friend Connect from the Followers accessory, Blogger is hoping that the code supporting the Followers gadget tin live on simplified, too volition larn to a greater extent than stable. This volition hopefully resolve many of the of late reported outages, both inward the spider web log confront display, too inward our dashboard too Reading Lists.

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