Saturday, December 7, 2019

Blogger Magic - A Static Domicile Page

Every week, someone asks for such a uncomplicated spider web log feature.
How create I bring a unmarried spider web log postal service e'er displayed, for the dwelling page?
There are many things that Blogger has notwithstanding to provide, too this is one. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 blog, past times definition, contains a dynamic dwelling page, alongside the most electrical flow posts displayed.

Today (sorry, also late!), if y'all thought this blog, this postal service volition hold upward displayed, at the real tiptop of the dwelling page. Tomorrow, this postal service volition hold upward displayed, exactly non at the tiptop of the dwelling page. In a pair weeks, this postal service volition non hold upward displayed on the dwelling page, at all. That is how blogs work. If y'all desire to display anything else, y'all don't bring a blog.

That's the purist position, anyway. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 spider web log is exactly a spider web site alongside the latest posts displayed on dwelling page (the master copy page), too hidden older posts (the archives).

(Update 2012/06/06): The recent "Search preferences" characteristic allows us to setup a truthful static dwelling page, alongside none of the complications below.
The non bad affair nigh this magic line a fast 1 on is that it's non hard to instruct into work. I categorise this line a fast 1 on every bit a snake, later on the former taunt from my mother
If it had been a snake, it would bring bitten you.

It's too then simple, really.
  1. Make the spider web log not display whatsoever posts, for dwelling page.
  2. Add a text gadget.
  3. Tweak the text gadget to solely display, when dwelling page URL is displayed.
  4. Use the Pages gadget, too index the residual of the blog. Add links using diverse label searches, pages, too posts, every bit y'all like.

Make The Home Page Not Display Any Posts
If y'all brand the master copy page non display whatsoever posts, y'all instruct an empty dwelling page. Settings - "Posts too comments" contains the "Show" setting. Set "Show" to "0 posts", too the spider web log has an empty dwelling page.

Add Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Text Gadget
Add an HTML / Text gadget, positioned exactly inwards a higher house or below the "Blog Posts" gadget. Setup the novel gadget exactly similar the spider web log post, that y'all would desire permanently displayed. If y'all desire to purpose the postal service editor to compose the gadget, create that.

Tweak The Template
This is the 1 business office of this project, that requires whatsoever technique. Use the Template Editor, too edit the gadget template, for the gadget that y'all exactly added, too then the gadget solely displays when the dwelling page URL is beingness displayed.

Use The Pages Gadget, To Index The Rest Of The Blog
Once y'all bring a static dwelling page gadget, exactly add together links to the residual of the blog. You tin sack bring links inwards the novel gadget - too y'all tin sack bring an index inwards the spider web log header, or inwards the sidebar. Use your imagination here, it's your blog.

That's it. Really.

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