Sunday, November 24, 2019

Owners Of Blogs, Alongside Images Inwards The Header, Study Changes Inwards Header Appearance

During the yesteryear few days, we're seeing a few reports inwards Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, from owners of blogs that job an icon inwards the header, instead of or inwards add-on to, evidently text, claiming changes inwards the appearance of the header. The exact job study varies - that the icon has been resized, has shifted inwards position, has move yesteryear away pixelated, or has exactly disappeared.

We convey a rollup discussion, where nosotros are requesting details from each someone observing this job inwards their blog.
  1. What is the URL of the blog?
  2. What exact symptom are you lot observing, that's a problem?
  3. Does the spider web log job a Blogger or 3rd political party template?
  4. Does the spider web log job a Designer or Layout template?
  5. Has the spider web log been configured for a Dynamic template?
  6. How did you lot setup the image, that is inwards job on your blog? Did you lot job the Layout "Configure Header" wizard, did you lot upload the icon using the post service editor "Insert image" wizard, or other?
  7. If you lot used the "Configure Header" wizard, which Image / Placement options did you lot select?
    • From your computer.
    • From the web.
    • Behind championship too description
    • Instead of championship too description
    • Have description placed afterward the image
    • Shrink to fit
  8. Can you lot honor the icon on your computer? If so, what is the refer of the file, every bit uploaded? Is it a .bmp, .jpg, .png, what?
  9. When you lot setup / uploaded the image, what browser (name too version) was used?
  10. What browser (name, too version) are you lot using, right now, where the job is visible?

If you lot tin render details, delight create then every bit best every bit you lot are able, either hither or inwards the rollup discussion.

In cases where the URL of the icon inwards job tin endure edited, you lot may endure able to function or then your problem, yesteryear editing the precise URL. It appears that images hosted yesteryear Picasa, which are currently stored inwards a diverseness of sizes (which you lot may run into when you lot job "Insert image", for instance), are at in i lawsuit selected inwards a unlike way, when you lot create non explicitly choose the right size for your purpose.

Look at the icon at the elevation of the screen. If you lot were to hold off at it's URL, you lot would see:

If that icon had been uploaded using the electrical flow "Insert image" magician (in post service editor), or the "Configure Header" magician (in "Page Elements"), it mightiness convey the URL

If the latter URL was correct, at that topographic point would endure iv aliases available:
  • Small:
  • Medium:
  • Large:
  • Full Size:

If I had this job amongst my header image, I would edit the URL, inwards the template, too I would replace:


If your spider web log has this problem, you lot may endure able to similarly edit your spider web log - using "Configure Header" or "Edit HTML" - too function or then your problem. If you lot job "Edit HTML", I suggest, every bit usual, that you lot backup the template - before too after making this tweak.

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