Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Internet Explorer V8 / V9 Together With The Novel Blogger Gui

Back when Internet Explorer V8 was outset released past times Microsoft, as well as Blogger had even as well as then to update their code to let for its peccadilloes, unopen to Blogger weblog owners used the Internet Explorer "Compatibility View" switch, to brand their browsers function amongst Blogger (when they were using the Blogger "Classic" GUI).

We've latterly been seeing an increasing release of people inwards problems amongst The New GUI.

With Blogger code written for Internet Explorer V8 / V9, people who purpose Internet Explorer V7 - or purpose V8 / V9 that runs equally if V7 (with "Compatibility View" enabled) - are having problems using the New Blogger GUI.

The close popularly recommended solution for problems similar the White Screen Of Death has been to switch dorsum to the Classic GUI. H5N1 to a greater extent than effective long term solution, for people using Internet Explorer inwards Compatibility Mode, would endure to halt using Compatibility Mode.
  1. From the Internet Explorer menu, pick out "Tools" - "Compatibility View Settings".
  2. In Internet Explorer, click on the "broken page" icon, at the destination of the address bar.
  3. Remove "blogger.com" from the "Compatibility View Settings" list.

Don't bring Internet Explorer function similar IE V7, forthwith that Blogger has updated their code - as well as IE V7 is non supported.

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