Saturday, March 17, 2007

How To Upgrade Your 404 Non Establish Page Inwards Blogger

You must last known to 404 mistake pages, they exhibit upwardly when a visitor terminate upwardly visiting a page or URL that is either broken or no longer exists. Therefore, having a useful 404 mistake page could last handy inward improving your sales in addition to non making a dead-end for your users. You tin dismiss meliorate your 404 page, past times providing some options or laid of instructions to visitors to operate around. In this article, nosotros volition exhibit y'all how to meliorate your 404 non constitute page inward blogger, thence that y'all tin dismiss brand your 404 mistake page non alone useful but engaging equally well.

How 404 Error Page looks similar inward Blogger?

Let’s last honest, earlier landing on this posts y'all convey ever ignored your 404 mistake page non because y'all don’t wishing it to meliorate but it just lacks interests. Check out the screenshot below that shows how a default blogger 404 page looks like:
The higher upwardly screenshot clearly shows that it is non a useful 404 page.  As a user yourself, y'all abhor when an mistake pops upwardly that doesn’t convey whatever agency to operate around?

The same agency y'all bespeak to assist your users past times providing them some laid of options that they tin dismiss do to honor the relevant theme that they are looking for. You tin dismiss assist them to honor precisely the correct page past times providing a search might on your 404 page in addition to lots of creative things that y'all tin dismiss do.

How to Customize your 404 Page inward Blogger:

The really commencement thing y'all tin dismiss do to brand your 404 page useful for your users it to customize it amongst your ain creativity. Go to Blogger >> Search engine Preference >> Custom Page Not Found.

We convey already covered how to do a custom 404 page inward blogger thence last certain to read that resources equally well.  You tin dismiss certainly role this characteristic to add together useful tools in addition to elements similar a search engine, hit widget, recent posts in addition to etc.

This volition assist your visitors to await for the best fit, according to their interests.

Display Search Widget on 404 Page:

To display a search widget on your 404 page, just glue the next slice of coding inward “Custom Page Not Found” inward blogger settings.  Once done y'all convey to brand your ain Custom CSS to back upwardly the mode of your template.

<form method='get'>
<div id='search'>
<div class='search'>
<input id='s' name='q' onblur='if (this.value == &#39;&#39;) {this.value = &#39;Search the site&#39;;}' onfocus='if (this.value == &#39;Search the site&#39;) {this.value = &#39;&#39;;}' type='text' value='Search the site'/>
<input id='button' style='vertical-align: top;' type='submit' value='Search!'/>

If y'all are already using a custom search widget, thence it volition automatically inherit CSS from your default search engine.

Display Recent Posts on 404 Page: 

The method is over again the same, y'all bespeak to glue the next code inward blogger settings inward the place nosotros convey mentioned above. This volition merely displays recent posts on your 404 page.

<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
 <script src=""></script>
  <script type='text/javascript'>
var numposts = 3;
var showpostthumbnails = true;
var displaymore = false;
var displayseparator = true;
var showcommentnum = false;
var showpostdate = false;
var showpostsummary = true;
var numchars = 100;</script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs"></script> 

You tin dismiss become inward await to a greater extent than attractive past times applying CSS according to your wishing needs.

Display Popular Posts on 404 Page:

In the past times nosotros convey already showed y'all how to display pop posts on your sidebar. However, hither nosotros are showing how y'all tin dismiss add together them inward your 404 page equally well. The method is the same equally nosotros convey told above, just glue the next code inward “Custom Page Not Found” inward blogger settings.

<script type="text/javascript">
business office getYpipePP(feed) {
 document.write('<ol style="">');
 var i;
 for (i = 0; i < feed.count ; i++)
var href = "'" + feed.value.items[i].link + "'";
var pTitle = feed.value.items[i].title;
var pComment = " \(" + feed.value.items[i].commentcount + "\)";
var pList = "<li>" + "<a href="+ href + '" target="_blank">' + pTitle;
 document.write(pComment); //to take comment count delete this line
 <script src="
<span style="font-size: 80%; float:right;"><a href=" /search?q=custom-404-not-found-page-for-blogger">Make your own</a></span>

We promise this article would convey helped y'all inward making your 404 page to a greater extent than useful  and engaging inward Blogger. No affair y'all are beginners or an practiced experience gratis to operate just about amongst code in addition to role your inventiveness to brand your 404 page attractive.

We convey some pre-made attractive 404 non constitute page blueprint for blogger thence that y'all tin dismiss just re-create in addition to glue inward your site.

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